MPOWR Marketing Consultancy Curaçao

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Read about topics related to marketing, entrepreneurship and my personal life as a mompreneur. Here I’ll share experiences throughout my personal journey and career.

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Three Common Challenges of Freelancers

I am a FREElancer which does not mean that…

  • You can FREEly contact me at any given time.
  • My expertise is for FREE.
  • You have the FREEdom to pay me whenever you feel like.

Now let’s dive into these statements that illustrate three common challenges that freelancers are facing. (more…)

My top 3 challenges as a mompreneur

Three months ago, I gave birth to my firstborn. Everyone says that your life will change completely when you become a mother, but you don’t have a real idea of this new life until you’re experiencing it. Being the mom of Naëm is the most beautiful and overwhelming experience, and as an entrepreneur, I am still figuring out the balance between motherhood and entrepreneurship. (more…)